Motivation and Inspiration To Keep You Going
Everyone needs some motivation at some point in their lives. Our motivational quotes speak to many topics - success, life, relationships and self-esteem to name a few.
"Be strong in all your undertakings, and adapt to your surroundings."
Written in 2015 by Bobby Roghubir / Choka Lyme
"If you had a rough day today, take a deep breath and give your day to God. Those rough days build your character, endurance and strength and in turn, prepare you for your purpose. So don't get weary in well doing, keep pressing and don't quit. You will look back one day and it will all be worth it."
Heather Lindsey --- Submitted by George Wachirah --- Kenya
"The classroom within is where the true learning takes place."
Written in 2014 by Samantha Storsberg
"I may be lost and weary; maybe a little disappointed, may not see the road ahead of me clearly, but guest what? I'm not giving up!! If I have to drag myself to the finish line, you can bet on it. Going through hell is nothing when you know paradise awaits ahead of you."
Written in 2015 by Rafael Lama Noel
"If you can't do anything about it then let it go. Don't be a prisoner to things you can't change."
Tony Gaskins --- Submitted by George Wachirah --- Kenya
"Success is not a journey; it's a destination called satisfaction."
Written in 2014 by Anuj Somany --- India
Satisfied people are always motivated in heart and keep peace of mind.
"Never say die i.e., never be discouraged in life and never give up on your faith or hope. Just keep pressing on or forward for there is light at the end of the tunnel."
Written in 2015 by Emeasoba George --- Nigeria